i!Messy Studio. photo by Mike Kelly ZOBOT PLINTEXXNone of the other ZOBOTS know what this one does. I don't either. photo by Kristin Jenna ZOBOT KLIBBA short fingered meddler. ZOBOT ZLIBB seems to almost enjoy sabotaging efficiency. photo by Mike Kelly A GROUP OF ZOBOT ROZZERSThe law enforcement on Kipling Castle. photo by Kristin Jenna LADY8The warden of the dungeon. photo by Kristin Jenna ZOBOT MELLIXThis splendid machine has steam powered wheels. photo by Kristin Jenna MEDICAL ZOBOTSThey have never saved a single life. photo by Kristin Jenna ZOBOT FERRASTYXUpon his upper deck, a single prisoner restrainment tube. It's cargo, a single dungeoneer. photo by Kristin Jenna XOBOT XUZURSII - PORTRAITBlah Blah Blah. (if you are reading this, I forgot to fix it) photo by Kristin Jenna ZOBOT XUZURSII - CLOSE UPThis Zobot cannot pronounce its own name, photo by Kristin Jenna THE NINEXXXXIXXXX photo by Kristin Jenna